4/11/2024 PTO Meeting & Agenda Minutes

Quail Run PTO  Meeting - Agenda & Notes

April 11, 2024   6:00 pm  Murf's Grille

PTO Officer Attendees:  Kodi Snider-McCall (Co-Chair), Tom Pasniewski (Co-Chair), Erika Kramer (Co-Chair), Sherri Whightsil (Secretary), Amy Shealy (Treasurer)

Parent Attendees:  Jenny Hunt, Lauren Folkmann, Stacie Schroeder, Jamie Haughton, Kyra Gabel

School Attendees:  James Polk, Brian King, Rodney Hess

Murf’s Wi-Fi 

Network ID:  Netgear94

Password:  excitedcurtain054


Treasurer Update - full year budget on track

Student Council proposal

  • Mr. Polk introduced Mr. King and Mr. Hess as presenters for starting Student Council at Quail Run.

  • Mr. Buckland will also help manage Student Council.

  • This is an opportunity to tap into student voice, for students to take pride in the building, build leadership skills, and give back to the QR community.  

  • Student Council will consist of 18 students, 2 students from each of the 3rd thru 5th grade classes.

  • Students will submit applications including an essay explaining why they want to participate.  Applications will be reviewed anonymously and students will be selected by STUCO staff leadership.

  • Students will serve for the entire 2024-2025 school year, and STUCO staff may assess term length for future years.  

  • STUCO meetings will be held 2x per month.  One meeting as a covey group, and one meeting before school from 8 - 8:30 am.  

  • In STUCO meetings, they will talk about projects, what it means to be a leader, etc.  

  • Possible activities include managing the Garden with Mr. Hess, 5th grade recycling, stuco projects, etc. 

  • Student Council would like to partner with PTO.  

    • Student involvement in PTO planned events like Charity Drives, Talent Show, Carnival, etc.   

    • Financial support from PTO, build a line item into the budget.  

      • PTO would like a rough estimate for amount needed, and can discuss building this into the budget for future years.

PTO Co-Chair Updates

  1. Next Year PTO officers

    1. Erika and Tom will continue as co-chair for their second year.

    2. Kodi’s co-chair term ends at the end of this school year.

    3. Anna Landis

      1. Tom motioned for Anna Landis to be co-chair next year

      2. Amy seconded the motion

      3. All approved, no one opposed

      4. Motion passes

Recent Events/Recaps

  1. Dine & Donate

    1. 3/26 Pizza Hut $49.63

    2. 3/28 Picklemans - no update yet

  1. Talent Show, Sunday 4/7, 3-5 pm at West Middle School

    1. 16 acts, total 21 Quail Run student participants

    2. 7 Quail Run student emcees

    3. 3 Quail Run student stagehands

    4. 9 Middle School Student Volunteers

    5. 9 Parent Volunteers

    6. $269.49 raised in coin voting collection

    7. A large box of non-perishable items was collected for Just Food

    8. Flowers donated from Owen’s Flower Shop, sales raised $68

    9. $25 Visa cards will be gifted to two amazing West Middle School students who ran the show

    10. $10 Sonic gift card for West custodian

    11. $250 check to be given to West Middle School Theatre program

    12. Winners have been identified, and will be offered the opportunity to perform at Carnival.  Stacie will be reaching out to confirm their participation.

  1. Track Club - Spring Session:  March 19 - May 16

    1. 62 participants (9 newcomers for our spring session)

    2. 25-30 participants at each of the 6 spring sessions

    3. As a group, we have run a total of 937.49 miles.

    4. 56 participants have earned their 5K mile award

    5. 47 participants have earned their 10K mile award

    6. 38 participants have earned their half marathon award

    7. 5 participants have earned their marathon award (not given, yet)

    8. The runLawrence board of directors and club members awarded Quail Run Track Club $600 and renewed our StrideTrack subscription.  Track Club participants will sign "thank you" card next week.

Upcoming Events

  1. Dine & Donate 

    1. 4/24 LBC 4-9 pm East Location

    2. Small Cakes 20% donation every Monday 

  1. Kinder Orientation - 4/17 (no school for current kinders that day)

    1. Split into 3 sessions 9:15/10:30/12:45

    2. PTO table with handouts, PTO to speak during each session

    3. PTO Staff Appreciation committee will provide a meal for teachers

    4. PTO providing a camping theme snack & Quail Run stickers for each student

  1. Carnival & Silent Auction - 4/21

    1. Committee meeting held just before PTO meeting.  Update/discussion.

    2. Volunteer sign up is about half full.

  1. 5th Grade Recognition - 5/17

    1. $8,182 raised as of 4/2

    2. $7,800 after expenses

    3. Legacy gift will be a mural painted by Free State art students in 4th/5th grade hall

      1. Cost only includes art supplies.

    4. Discussion regarding surplus funds and how to use them to benefit Quail staff.

  2. Summer Kinder Playground Dates have been proposed to Mr. Polk.  He will confirm/approve and these dates will be included in the Kinder Orientation PTO flyer.

  1. 8/8 - Back to School All Grades Playdate and Activities Fair - same day class lists are released

(all remaining items, no change since last PTO meeting)

  1. Spring Fling - 5/3   (no changes since last PTO meeting)

  1. Teacher Appreciation Week 5/6 to 5/10  (no changes since last PTO meeting)

    1. Flowers for teachers on Tuesday, 5/7

    2. Staff Appreciation committee will provide treats throughout the week in partnership with Sunshine Committee

  1. Bike to School Day - 5/8  (no changes since last PTO meeting)

    1. Polk/Hess will manage this with PTO volunteers to support as needed

Q & A / Open Floor for Attendee Feedback

Meeting Adjourn, next PTO meeting to be held on May 9th at Murf’s Grille, 6 pm.  

PTO Co-Chairs Committee Oversight:

Erika - Gardening/Landscape, Book Fair, Decorating, 5th Grade Rec

Tom - Holiday Charity Drive, Track Club, Walk/Bike to School, Staff Appreciation

Kodi - Family Events, Social Media, Read-A-Thon, Dine & Donate

ALL - Carnival, Silent Auction, (Class Parties)


5/9/2024 PTO Meeting & Agenda Minutes


2nd Semester End of Year Calendar