5/9/2024 PTO Meeting & Agenda Minutes

Quail Run PTO  Meeting - Agenda & Notes

May 9, 2024   6:00 pm  Murf's Grille

PTO Officer Attendees:  Kodi Snider-McCall (Co-Chair), Tom Pasniewski (Co-Chair), Sherri Whightsil (Secretary), Amy Shealy (Treasurer)

Parent Attendees:  Anna Landis, Jamie Haughton, Kyra Gabel, Kari NaPier

School Attendees:  

Murf’s Wi-Fi 

Network ID:  Netgear94

Password:  excitedcurtain054


Treasurer Update - deposits made today.  Lots of reimbursements going out now.  Will have an update for officers by early next week.

Recent Events/Recaps

  1. Dine & Donate

    1. 3/28 Picklemans - no update yet

    2. 4/24 LBC 4-9 pm East Location - no update yet

    3. Small Cakes 20% donation every Monday

      1. Tom to follow up re: how and how often QR PTO will receive this donation

  1. Kinder Orientation - 4/17 

    1. 55 incoming kinder students participated

    2. Split into 3 sessions 9:15/10:30/12:45

    3. PTO table with handouts / speak during each session

    4. PTO Staff Appreciation committee provided lunch from Jimmy John’s for teachers

    5. PTO provided smore’s snack mix & Quail Run stickers for each student

  1. Carnival & Silent Auction - 4/21

    1. Over 1,000 attendees at carnival!

    2. 311 students picked up free tickets (25 tickets per student)

    3. Carnival Budget Recap - income vs expenses (Amy)

      1. Ticket sales $1468

      2. Sponsor checks deposited today

      3. Looks to be on track to break even

      4. Game rental had a $25 credit card running fee, next year if we use this company, might consider paying all at once versus deposit then final payment to avoid the additional fee.  Deposit versus one time full payment was done because of the possibility of rain.  Company allows reschedules with no fee, but not cancellation. 

      5. Girl Scout Troop earned $200 at concessions and selling bracelets

    4. Silent Auction Budget Recap

      1. Total bids: $6,132

      2. Paypal fee: $195.65

      3. Bidding Owl fee: $306.60

      4. 2024 Net: $5,629.75

      5. 2023 Net was $4,966.08

    5. Feedback re: Silent Auction 

      1. Consider having some prizes (3 or 4) as raffle drawings along with Silent Auction so that all families have a chance at winning a big prize.

    6. Kona Ice giveback estimate ~$300 for Kona and Toms trucks

      1. Toms Coffee truck was new this year, and was very well received.

    7. Game / activity ticket count recap - year over year comparison (Sherri)

    8. Most popular games were the QR classics - Cereal Shuffle, Pick-A-Pop, and Box Maze run by Scouts which made a triumphant return!

    9. Rental Games

      1. Rental games cost $40 each, Photo Booth $600, Triple Threat inflatable $350.  Rental total with fees $1,470.

      2. Some of the games were difficult for kids, but volunteers did a nice job making adjustments for easier play (start further down the track, etc).

      3. Consider whether rental games are necessary, maybe fewer of these and possibly build more games for QR to own.

        1. Building new games could be a great scout service project!

      4. Discussion on ways to improve Photo Booth.  

        1. Last year was a free/loaned digital photo booth, this year was rental with printed photos.  Issues this year with printing, paper running out, etc. Explore alternative rental options. Include school name/carnival date to photos.

        2. Photo booth takes a little longer than most games, so ticket counts are expected to be lower.  Discussed one print per turn then player goes to the back of the line, some players printed multiple photo/strips with their turn.

      5. Discussion on Triple Threat, ways to streamline the play.  One volunteer to take tickets and one to monitor kids playing.

    10. Volunteers - this is always a struggle, getting enough volunteers.  College and high school age volunteers have already earned their hours by the carnival date.  Consider going back to assigning a game to each classroom.

    11. Other general feedback, thoughts for future years:

      1. Suggestion for a “quiet hour” for special needs kids to have time to come and play games before full crowd of carnival arrives

  1. Spring Fling - 5/3   

    1. Kona Ice

    2. Wolfe’s Eaton

      1. Food was great, suggestion to make menu offerings more clear

      2. Consider 2 food trucks for next year

    3. KC Bubbles - Super easy to work with, and kids loved this!  We should definitely have them come again.

    4. Approximately 200+ people in attendance throughout the event, good crowd!

  1. Teacher Appreciation Week 5/6 to 5/10

    1. Flowers for teachers on Monday, 5 /6

    2. Staff Appreciation committee providing treats throughout the week in partnership with Sunshine Committee

    3. Kari provided a recap of the schedule for the week.  Sherri will email Alex Smith to ask for a written copy

  1. Bike to School Day - 5 /8

    1. Managed by Polk/Hess with PTO volunteers to support

    2. Approximately 60 students plus lots of parents and adult volunteers

    3. Suggestion to line kids up by age, oldest kids first, (or skill level), and stagger a couple starts to avoid backlog, especially along the hill in the middle of the route where many students had to walk their bikes because of slower students ahead of them.  Would need to have adult volunteers assigned to each group, and always have an adult at the intersection of Harvard and Moundridge, where students cross in the crosswalk.

  2. Track Club - Spring Session:  March 19 - May 16 

    1. 63 participants 

    2. As a group, we have run a total of 1159.36 miles.

    3. 58 participants have earned their 5K mile award

    4. 51 participants have earned their 10K mile award

    5. 40 participants have earned their half marathon award

    6. 22 participants have earned their marathon award 

    7. We handed out Track Club stickers with our motto "I can do hard things!" this week.

    8. May 14 - Fun Night for all Elementary Marathon Club members; flyers were sent home with kids today, 5/9

      1. Angela will present signed "thank you" card to the runLawrence board of directors at the event for their generous donation to Quail Run Track Club.

    9. May 16 - last day of Track Club.

Upcoming Events

  1. 5th Grade Recognition - 5/17 

    1. Update from Jamie, event coordination is going well!

    2. Legacy gift will be a mural painted by Free State art students in 4th/5th grade hall

      1. Cost only includes art supplies.

    3. Discussion regarding surplus funds and how to use them to benefit Quail staff.

      1. Any extra funds will stay with PTO and we will coordinate with QR admin.

  1. Summer Playground Dates were included in the Kinder Orientation PTO flyer.  Need to add to Friday Flyer and include in Social Media posts closer to event dates.

    1. 6/18 - 6-7pm Kinder ONLY - PTO will provide popsicles

    2. 7/24 - 6-7pm Kinder ONLY - PTO will provide popsicles

    3. 8/8- 6:30-8pm Back to School Bash & Activities Fair (All Grades)

      1. same day class lists are released

      2. Kona Ice available for purchase

PTO Officer Updates

  1. Next Year PTO officers

    1. Erika and Tom will continue as co-chair for their second year.

    2. Kodi’s co-chair term ends at the end of this school year.

    3. Anna Landis was voted in during the April meeting as co-chair replacing Kodi

    4. Sherri will continue as Secretary

    5. Amy will continue as Treasurer

  2. Committee chairs - will reach out to confirm if they want to continue next school year.

    1. (5/10 update) - Ashli Smith would like to Chair the 5th Grade Rec Committee 2024-25

Q & A / Open Floor for Attendee Feedback

  • Anna, loved the PTO schedule/calendar flyers from this year

  • Anna, loved the Dine and Donate nights

  • Amy/Anna, discussion regarding school directory opt in for next year

  • Anna, onboarding process discussion

  • PTO liaison discussion, work with Mr. Polk

  • Kari, PTO fundraising for new playground equipment was being done for the 3-5 playground pre-Covid, QR admin was working with district for additional funding.  The fundraising efforts specifically mentioned the reason as new playground equipment.  Documents for equipment are on PTO google drive.  New equipment would replace the dome play structure.  Officers will revisit this and begin conversations again to make this happen.

Meeting Adjourn, thanks for a great school year!

PTO Co-Chairs Committee Oversight:

Erika - Gardening/Landscape, Book Fair, Decorating, 5th Grade Rec

Tom - Holiday Charity Drive, Track Club, Walk/Bike to School, Staff Appreciation

Kodi - Family Events, Social Media, Read-A-Thon, Dine & Donate

ALL - Carnival, Silent Auction, (Class Parties)Quail Run PTO  Meeting - Agenda & Notes


2024/25 USD 497 Calendar


4/11/2024 PTO Meeting & Agenda Minutes