11/9/23 Meeting Agenda & Minutes
Quail Run PTO Meeting - Agenda & Notes
November 9, 2023 6:00 pm Murf's Grille
PTO Officer Attendees: Kodi Snider-McCall (Co-Chair), Tom Pasniewski (Co-Chair), Erika Kramer (Co-Chair), Amy Shealy (Treasurer), Sherri Whightsil (Secretary)
Parent Attendees: Kyra Gabel, Jamie Haughton, Tiffany Beard, Sherene Haddad
School Attendees:
Murf’s Wi-Fi
Network ID: Netgear94
Password: excitedcurtain054
Welcome and thank you for coming!
- Please sign the attendance sheet and grab a nametag
How these meetings will work:
- Quickly work through the agenda items with Q&A’s and any working topics/events.
- Introduce new topics
- General Q&A and visiting at the end of the meeting!
Treasurer Update:
Year to date budget vs. actuals
Full year plan with actuals to date + forecast for remainder of the year.
Curriculum expenses will be hitting soon. Polk to share details in the next PTO meeting.
Scholastic News - one classroom set for each grade level. Add to the budget plan for next school year.
Recap of recent events:
Read A Thon
$6688 school earnings
124 student readers
5 adult readers
Track Club
Last day for fall session was 11/2
53 participants
As a group, we ran a total of 736.61 miles.
50 participants earned their 5K mile award
45 participants earned their 10K mile award
36 participants earned their half marathon award
Important Dates:
Spring 2024 Track Club Season: April 2-May 16 (Tuesdays and Thursday at 8 a.m.)
Dine & Donate
Pickleman's West 10/12 - following up for results
LBC East 10/19 - raised $511
5th Grade Recognition concessions / fundraising
Well received at P/T conferences. Raised $840.
Added the option for classroom snacks
Birthday Book Club
57 kids signed up.
Raised $855 so far
Fall Parties
Feedback was great from staff, parents commented they would like to keep the parade indoors
Party prep was super fast with lots of volunteers
Next party, printed sheets showing party plans to be added to the totes during party prep night
Sign in for party volunteers - revisit this process with the office
Provide room parent list
Sign up genius of volunteers
Allow volunteers into the building early, keeping a list of those not on the sign up
Other Committee Updates:
Need co-chairs for Carnival Committee - High level list of responsibilities and notes:
Prize inventory and orders
Sign Up genius for volunteer spots - each classroom is responsible for running one game
Partner with Silent Auction committee which will include Game and Event Sponsors
Partner with 5th Grade Recognition committee for concession stand planning
Marketing - create flyers for handouts, social posts, and game/event sponsor signs
All PTO officers are included in Carnival planning committee
2024 co-chair - need to start considering options and officers are open to suggestions!
Review 2nd Semester Calendar
Upcoming Events:
QR spirit wear ordering opportunities
Coming soon - PTO student shirt design to be available for order for families / staff. Local supplier, shirts will be delivered to the school.
1st place spirit wear 20% discount sale running 11/6 - 12/8 with deliveries before holidays. Free shipping for orders over $75.
Winter Classroom Parties - Planning
Key Dates:
12/1 - Sign Up genius finalized to be sent in FF/newsletters/social/etc. Include sign up for prep night parent volunteers. (Publish after Fall Break/Thanksgiving)
12/3 - Winter Decorating day 12 pm
Discussion re: lots of local events happening this same weekend.
12/13 - Supplies Due - edit to 12/14
12/18 - Party Prep. Will gather supplies in totes and place outside classrooms. Include sheet outlining party plans in class totes with supplies
12/19 - Class Parties held 9 - 9:30 am
Open to ideas from room parents for party games, craft, snacks, and time filler sheets
Discussion regarding alternate options for older grades activities
Approved Party Plans:
Snack - approved!
popcorn, juice boxes, candy - Amy to check with Lauren regarding getting juice boxes from Costco again.
Game - approved!
Mystery box.
Option of purchase or recycled boxes.
Craft - approved!
K-3: coffee filter snowman
4-5: plastic/paper plate snow globe
Early finisher
K-3: yeti coloring page
4-5: winter activity sheet
Other ideas considered:
Paper bag reindeer
Cotton ball polar bear
Plastic cup snowglobe
Paper snow globe craft
Penguin or snowman headband
Some leftover supplies were kept from fall parties
Juice boxes in PTO tote in BGC office
Construction paper, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, coffee filters, misc
We have lots of cotton balls from last year
Holiday Charity Drive - last year was a sock drive with donations given to Ballard.
Multiple organizations and drive possibilities discussed
Consider moving this drive to January when there are less “asks” for families
Kids/Parents Night Out. Any suggestions, or volunteers for planning?
Discussion re: LGA, options of multi-level play nights, etc.
Q & A / Open Floor for Attendee Feedback
Meeting Adjourn, next PTO meeting to be held on December 14th at Murf’s Grille, 6 pm.
Committees and Chairs expectations:
Each Committee has an assigned PTO co-chair liaison
All Committees must send representation and provide updates at Monthly PTO meetings.
All Committees must have regular communication/updates sent via email using Google Groups, which include PTO officers
All Committees with a budget must track expenses on Google Sheet provided by the PTO Treasurer. An email was sent to each committee with instructions on how to use the forms to report revenue and expenses, if you did not see an email please let us know.
PTO Co-Chairs Committee Oversight:
Erika - Gardening, Book Fair, Decorating, 5th Grade Rec
Tom - Holiday Charity Drive, Track Club, Walk/Bike to School, Staff Appreciation
Kodi - Family Events, Social Media, Read-A-Thon, Dine & Donate
ALL - Carnival, Silent Auction, (Class Parties)