Meeting Agenda & Minutes
Quail Run PTO Meeting - Agenda
Sept 14, 2023 6:00 pm Murf's Grille
PTO Officer Attendees: Kodi Snider-McCall (Co-Chair), Erika Kramer (Co-Chair), Tom Pasniewski (Co-Chair), Amy Shealy (Treasurer)
Murf’s Wi-Fi Password: excitedcurtain054
Welcome to the first PTO meeting of the school year, and thank you for coming!
- Please sign the attendance sheet and grab a nametag
- Officer member introductions.
- Attendee introductions
How these meetings will work:
- Quickly work through the agenda items with Q&A’s and any working topics/events.
- Introduce new topics
- General Q&A and visiting at the end of the meeting!
Review of Recent events:
- (2) Summer kinder play dates
- Staff meals and treats
- Boo hoo yahoo
- Back to School Bash with Kona
- Trivedi Dine & Donate
Student shirts:
- PTO will be providing shirts to all students this year!
- Student shirts will be similar in design to staff and PTO shirts, color will be teal with white ink. (See mock up)
- Delivery of shirts - October 4, we are finalizing the list of sizes now. (As of 9/20 shirts have been ordered and are currently in production!)
-Shirts distributed at school to have to wear to an assembly and get an all school picture
Fall Decorating date has been moved up from 10/15 to 10/8 to align with Read-A-Thon starting on 10/9
PTO Committees:
Committees and Chairs expectations:
Each Committee will be assigned a PTO co-chair liaison
All Committees must send representation and provide updates at Monthly PTO meetings.
All Committees must have regular communication/updates sent via email using Google Groups, which include PTO officers
All Committees with a budget must track expenses on Google Sheet provided by the PTO Treasurer.
PTO Co-Chairs Committee Oversight:
Erika - Gardening, Book Fair, Decorating, 5th Grade Rec
Tom - Holiday Charity Drive, Track Club, Walk/Bike to School, Staff Appreciation
Kodi - Family Events, Social Media, Read-A-Thon, Dine & Donate
ALL - Carnival, Silent Auction, (Class Parties)
Committees currently without co-chairs are:
- Decorating (Chair is Erin McElroy), Charity Drive (s) (Alexa Bright), Carnival (TBD)
- Members of those committees have been emailed asking for a chair or co-chairs
Movie Night & Fun Run 9/29:
- Track Club / Angela Cushing is organizing Fun Run sign ups for participants and volunteers
- Tom provided a list of movies to the Family Events Committee. The committee narrowed it down to three options. Students are voting during library time this week with Gorup. Winning selection announced Friday. (The movie students picked was Mitchells vs The Machines)
- Tom will blow up the new movie screen for a test run on 9/20
- Anna Landis will loan the speakers for the event, and projector will be provided by the school
- 5th grade recognition will run a concession stand
- Board proposal to have a gas fireplace to make smores under scout supervision being reviewed by Polk
- Suggested “admission” will be an equipment drive donation or a non-perishable item for Just Food.
- Just Food barrel to be delivered to Quail ahead of movie night (need someone to handle this)
- Stacie, Sherri, and Erika are unable to attend movie night
Equipment Drive:
- Flyers have been posted around school with notice in the Friday Flyer. Bins in front lobby for collection.
- Equipment drive will run from Sept 11 - 29. Movie night will be the final night for donations.
Dine & Donate:
- Kona Ice made $181.22
-Trivedi made $75.42
- Pickleman’s on October 12th at the West Location 5pm-9pm
- Make sure to state “Quail Run Dine & Donate” at the Dine & Donate events, share with friends and family to spread the word and raise more money for our Quail kids.
Treasurer Updates:
- Each committee will receive communication via google teams email on their specific committee budget, how to report expenses, request reimbursement and how to track/turn in revenue
-Biggest change to reimbursement and revenue reporting is no more paper forms, everything will be on a google form now.
-Any requests for additional funds beyond the budgeted amount need to be presented to the PTO officers for review and approval. This process will be updated in the Bylaws
-All money, budgeting and treasurer questions should be sent to main PTO gmail not treasurer gmail for streamlining communication
- Erika is working on updated Bylaws and they are looking good
- Revision includes a separate "Meetings and Procedures" document and also a separate "Committees Charter".
- Bylaws look like they were in the process of being rewritten back in 2018 and that document at that time had not been amended since 1999.
If you’ve made it to the end of the agenda for this meeting, THANK YOU for your time and attention! PTO really appreciates your willingness to be informed and to see how we support our school community.
The next PTO meeting will be on Thursday, October 12th at 6 p.m. See you there!